showing 10 games

name arrow_downwardpublisher(developer)yearplatform
Double Moon Densetsu  NCS Masaya1992NESminimizeimageminimize
Kaizou Choujin Shubibinman 3: Makai no Princess  NCS Masaya1992PC Engine CDlabelimageminimize
Mamono Hunter Youko Makai Kara no Tenkouse  NCS Masaya1992PC Engine CDlabelimageminimize
MotoRoader MC NCS Masaya (Masaya)1992PC Engine CDminimizeimageminimize
Prince of Persia NCS Masaya (Arsys Software)1992SNESlabelimagesubject
Ranma ½: Chounai Gekitouhen  NCS (NCS Masaya)1992SNESlabelimageminimize
Ranma ½: Datou, Ganso Musabetsu Kakutou-ryuu!  NCS Masaya (Masaya)1992PC Engine CDlabelimageminimize
Sorcerer's Kingdom  Treco (NCS Masaya)1992Mega Drivelabelimageminimize
The Super Dimension Fortress Macross 2036  NCS Masaya;Nihon Computer System1992PC Engine CDlabelimageminimize
Vixen 357  NCS Masaya1992Mega Drivelabelimageminimize